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March 14, 2018
Many homeowners in the region have to crank up their heating systems all winter long, only to keep the windows open all summer in order to stay cool. This makes insulation an especially valuable home investment here in Maine, as it can keep heat in during the winter and then block heat during the summer.
March 7, 2018
Wall and attic insulation aren’t exactly the first things homeowners think about when drafting a list of needed home improvements. Insulation, however, is one of the most important parts of your home’s structure, affecting not only home comfort but also how much you pay in heating and cooling costs.
February 20, 2018
Even if you plan on staying inside all winter, it’s important to think about what could happen to the outside of your home when a winter storm strikes. One of the most common pains that coastal Maine homeowners have to deal with during the winter is ice dams on the roof.
February 14, 2018
You know you have a problem on your hands when your floors become especially cold, or when cold-resistant flooring materials like wood begin to feel chilly.
January 23, 2018
Do you have areas in your home that just never seem to get warm in the winter, or astronomically high heating bills even though you keep your thermostat at a modest setting? If so, your home is probably not as energy efficient as it could be. Home efficiency issues are not always easy to find — especially when they are rooted somewhere inside your walls. Fortunately, thanks to infrared diagnostic technology, you can look at what’s going on inside your walls and pinpoint the source of home efficiency issues.
November 10, 2017
It’s been a warm autumn in New England but now that it’s November, there’s no denying that the cold is creeping in fast. The Maine coast is as rugged as it is beautiful, and homeowners from Camden to Kennebunkport know the only way to weather the winter is to keep the cold air out and the warm air in.
October 31, 2017
As you weatherize your home for the upcoming winter here in Maine, are there crucial steps that you might be missing? To help you better prepare your home to be comfortable as temperatures drop, here are a few key weatherization steps that homeowners often miss.
October 24, 2017
From Belfast to Portland, evenings in Maine are getting cooler. You’re probably swapping out your t-shirts and sandals for warm sweaters and boots, but have you thought about what your home might need to stay warm as the weather gets colder?
October 16, 2017
Many Maine homes, from Rockland and down the coast to Portland, were built hundreds of years ago; often, they carry significant history. Old homes like these require constant, loving upkeep. They also provide their owners with a charm, grace and tradition that newer homes can only imitate.
August 9, 2017
From Rockland down the Maine coast, many homeowners live in historic houses that are beautiful and full of character, but often tend to be inefficient and uncomfortable — particularly during the hot summers and bitter winters.
Fortunately, making your older historic Maine home more livable is possible with high-performance insulation.
Case Studies
Matt and Christa knew that the home they had just purchased in the neighborhood they loved -- for the price they could afford -- was going to need a... Read More