Kick off home improvement season by air sealing your home and take advantage of Efficiency Maine's $600 rebate for making your home more energy efficient.
The rebate program expires soon, and Efficiency Maine urges homeowners to act now to guarantee their availability. “We’re booking projects a couple months out,” says Richard Riegel Burbank, president of Rockland-based Evergreen Home Performance, “so we really need to meet with people now to get them on the calendar in time to get the rebates.”
Evergreen’s process starts with a FREE energy consult, which includes infrared analysis to help you and your BPI-certified Energy Advisor understand where heat is leaking out of your home. When you know where energy is being wasted, you can customize an energy efficiency solution.
Insulation, air sealing, basement encapsulation, and other energy-smart services typically lead to a 25-50% reduction in overall energy use, and a 10% return on investment, and the $600 rebate from Efficiency Maine will help you save even more. Contact us at 594-2244 to learn more and to schedule your FREE energy consult.